Capitol Cupcake Camp
What a great day over $6000 was raised for for Women Alive and Youth Services by Ottawa's Capitol Cupcake Camp
I took a million pics ... ok not a million but I'm still up at past 2am posting pictures mostly cause I'm still so full of sugar I can hear my veins screaming for a chelation LOL.
So I have different categories of pictures I took: the cupcakes themselves, bakers, volunteers, judges, eaters/crowds. Hopefully I will post them in that order.
First is my cupcakes. Been so busy that there was no time for fancy decorating :~( They were gone in a flash, I had some folks come back for seconds and one lovely lady told me they were the best cupcakes she had ever tasted.... my newest bestest friend ever LOL. Was awesome to see couples that I have previously done their weddings and my blogger friend Smoothie and her hubby!!
My stash of goodies to try
Okay now here comes the sugar load of cupcake pics in not particular order.
Do you not love this business logo tunic?
Volunteers were easy to spot in these pretty pink Tees.
No volunteers, no event. They had things running just peachy all the time, THANKS!
The judges doing their thing...... I know I could not have done it!!!
The event sold out. There were lots of people.

I found them parked on the floor eating.
And then I made a point of Meeting Ottawa's Premier Executive Chef of The NAC I know I'm a camera hound but I love to meet people with the same type of passion for what they do, that I have for cake!!!
I think a great time was had by all and I can't wait for next years event!!!
Looking forward to it. You are so much fun and I love your laugh.
p.s. found you on Twitter to...look out! LOL
see you next year :0)